Pure heat

Code of Conduct

Gebwell Group (hereinafter “Gebwell”) is committed to conducting its business in a sustainable and responsible manner. This Code of Conduct is strongly supported by our company’s values: customer orientation, innovation, desire for development, reliability, and partnership. This Code of Conduct includes guidelines concerning our obligations towards our business environment, employees, business partners, and society. The Code of Conduct is supplemented by individual principles and guidelines applying to Gebwell as a whole.

Our business is based on high ethical standards. We believe that our excellent reputation contributes to our success.

We expect our employees, business partners, suppliers, and customers to act in accordance with the principles set out in this Code of Conduct.

Gebwell Code of Conduct »

Our goal is to promote transparency, responsibility and fairness in our company. Through Whistleblow, you can anonymously report possible abuses and worrying events. The report made through the channel will be treated confidentially and appropriately, and the necessary measures will be taken to remedy the matter.
