We offer reliable ground source and district heating solutions for heating and cooling of
large residential buildings such as row houses and apartment buildings.

Reliable heating for apartment buildings
Heat pumps and district heating substations for large residential buildings
Our wide heat pump and district heating substation range also includes suitable models for large residential buildings.
Ground source heat is suitable also for apartment buildings
Ground source heat is the most popular form of heating for new detached houses, but is also suitable for heating and domestic hot water production in larger residential buildings as apartment buildings as well.
Take control of your housing association’s heating costs with ground source heat
Ground source heating is an easy and affordable method of heating for your housing association. The larger the property, the larger the savings in heating costs and the shorter the investment payback period. Housing association residents will soon be able to reap the benefits of ground source heat in the form of smaller housing association payments.
Ground source heating usually increases the value of a building by an amount which exceeds the initial investment costs. In addition to the benefit of savings, the property’s resale value will increase.
Ground source heating for an apartment building?
Absolutely! Ground source i.e. geothermal heat is excellently suited for heating and cooling apartment buildings as well. Check out our illustrative video on how to proceed with a geothermal heating investment in a housing company.

Energy-efficient ground source heat in heating apartment buildings
The popularity of ground source heat is increasingly growing as a mode of heating for apartment buildings, public buildings, and other large properties, due to its ease and cost-effectiveness. Acquiring a ground source heat system for a property requires successful, careful sizing, good planning, and excellent execution, including implementation. For large properties, such as apartment buildings, these tasks should be undertaken by skilled professionals.

Easy Implementation
From a Gebwell partner, you can flexibly and easily obtain a ground source heat solution for your housing company, tailored to the size and needs of the property. The Gebwell partner is responsible not only for the design and installation but also for instructing on the use and maintenance of the equipment. The implementation and operational training can also be ordered from us.
Gebwell heat pumps for housing associations
Request for a quotation for your housing association!

Carefree district heating for apartment buildings
District heating is a cost-effective and energy-efficient form of heating for apartment buildings, with well-managed costs.
Gebwell’s G-Power district heating substations, designed for large properties, are sized for each location based on initial data.

Reliable heating for all types of properties
G-Power district heating substations are suitable for both new constructions and renovation projects. They are easy to install and maintain, and both processes can be smoothly handled through our dealers.
The G-Power district heating substation is suitable for radiator, underfloor, and air heating, as well as for heating domestic hot water. It ensures reliable and carefree heating for the entire property.
Sometimes the need for a new district heating substation may arise unexpectedly. In such cases, the solution is G-Power Express – a district heating distribution substation that can be delivered to the customer within a week of ordering

District heating operating principle
District heat mostly comes from combined heat and power plants or from heat-only plants. Fuel for district heating can include natural gas, coal, peat, wood or landfill gas. Almost 80% of district heating comes from combined heat and power plants, excess industrial heat or from burning landfill gasses.
District heating substations for large properties
Request a quotation for district heating solution!
Stability and savings with energy accumulator tanks
A correctly dimensioned accumulator can be used to ensure an even room temperature and sufficient domestic hot water for the entire housing association.
An energy accumulator means that you are able to load a heating device with a high, even capacity, therefore achieving the best possible efficiency. This not only results in savings in heating costs, but is also environmentally friendly.
An energy accumulator is suitable for use with a range of heating methods. It allows for the parallel use of several heat sources and for a hassle-free change of heating system in the future.
Energy accumulator tanks for large properties
Gebwell’s range includes accumulators of different sizes for various purposes. The following factors affect the dimensioning of an accumulator:
- The size of the property and number of residents
- The heat source, its power and efficiency
- The size of the space used
- The temperature needed for the heating circuit